A few days to March and all through the blogosphere,
We stampers are waiting to start MCV here.
Too long since the last one, we're missing our 'scene'
But soon starting up for two-thousand 16.
Goodbyes to be said, Betty's now moving on
We love all her cards, we'll miss her - so long!
We want to say thank you - her strong dedication
Is here duly noted - so much inspiration!
Now what will we do? Who could possibly fill
The space that's left empty - who could fit the bill?
So during this week, just until March the second
A contest will run and the prize is just heaven!
Some clues will be given, and on Tuesday night
We will draw a winner, from all guesses right.
Her style's fun and graphic, and all through the days
She makes awesome cards that delight and amaze.
She loves to use stencils - once you've seen her in action
You'll never forget it - inky satisfaction!
Her name starts with C, just like Christmas, you know
She loves to join challenges, with something to show
Fun Stamping's her blog, and what she likes best
Is using bold colour, red, blue; all the rest.
So make your best guess - and then comment below;
And next week, on Wednesday, we'll finally know!
And then, play along - what, you still need a reason?
The purpose is clear, be prepared for The Season!

So to be clear:
1) guess our newest DT member's name
2) comment with her name below before Tuesday at midnight, at which time a draw will be made from all correct guesses.
3) join us next Wednesday to meet our new DT Member, find out who won and play along with our first challenge of 2016!
4) the prize includes Candied Apple Distress ink and MFT Toasty Greetings Stamp set